Welcome to our Kitchen

01709 769220
70 Salisbury Road,
S66 7EZ
United KebabsKebab MeatOn a tray£4.20 Donner KebabIn a pitta bread with salad and your choice of tub of chilli or garlic sauce£6.80 Chicken KebabIn a pitta bread with salad and your choice of tub of chilli or garlic sauce£7.40 Mixed KebabChicken & donner meat in a pitta bread with salad and your choice of tub of chilli or garlic sauce£8.90 Chicken Kebab SpecialIn a pitta bread with fried onion, mushroom, salad and your choice of tub of chilli or garlic sauce£9.20 Chicken Kebab with BaconIn a pitta bread with fried onion, mushroom, salad and your choice of tub of chilli or garlic sauce£9.40 |